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⏰Anyone want a clock radio?

You be you + Recipe of the Week

Anyone want a clock radio?

Like almost 100 million other Americans, I added to the Prime Day buying frenzy last month. One of my purchases was a Google Hub (ironically bought on Target.com to replace a dead Amazon Alexa that’s been our alarm clock for years).

The Hub was delivered (seemingly the moment I placed the order) and I had to find the right place to set it. My trusty Sony clock radio CD player was of course squatting in the perfect spot.

So I unplugged her and carefully coiled her cord and … put her under the sink in the bathroom. Why? I couldn’t bring myself to throw it out. But I’m certain, I’ll never plug it in again. Human behavior is funny. And it’s far from logical. Though there are usually glimmers of logic in the things we do.

For instance, Prime Day 2024 was a week later this year. The result? While overall Prime Day sales grew 8%, the “Back to School” category was up 216%. Just 1 week closer to the start of the school year was enough to more than triple back-to-school sales. That sort of makes sense, but it sort of doesn’t too.

In the year since we launched Dinnerfy, I’ve seen a lot of examples of behavior that sort of makes sense. How we decide: What to eat? Where to eat it? How to buy it? These are all really interesting behaviors that make sense only when you preface the word “logical” with “psycho” 😉

You keep being you and we’ll keep trying to be helpful. In the meantime, give this Chicken Piccata recipe that we made last night a try. It was delish!

Bon appétit 😋

Recipe of the Week